I was a patient at the Ottawa Civic Hospital in October 2016. I was improperly given atypical antipsychotic drugs. The drugs were Risperdal & Abilify. Risperidal currently has a $2.2 billion lawsuit against its makers Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc. for improper marketing of this dangerous drug to both children, adolescents & the elderly.

I was given this drug for what they claimed was a “psychotic episode”. I was also given no warning of the nature & powerful negative side effects this drug creates both while on it & coming off it.

Ever since, I’ve had adverse side effects such as involuntary muscle movements, spasms, aches, mind numbness & solemnence, insomnia, trouble concentrating & memory loss, confusion, near-fainting, loss of breath & balance.

Ive tried contacting the original doctors to no avail, given no answers & am now dealing with body withdrawal effects.

Also in February 2017, I was given an injection of Invega-Sustenna against my will at the Ottawa General Hospital which has very similar side effects as above.