Helly my name is Brooke McIntee. Today I went to port hospital they stuck me in a room with someone else bloody ramains on the floor..  I tell the doc ive been bleeding from my bowels for 8 days and have been getting severe abdomen pain… she put her finger in my bum and told me its hemroids and sends me home no blood work nothing didnt even feel my belly until i said to her thats it your gunna stick your finger in my ass and tell me its a hemroid then she felt ny belly and said im fine(which I realize is a very unfriendly way to dealth with my frustrations, my appologies).. I also said to her theres someones bloody pic line on the floor thats gotta be the most unsanitary thing ive seen from our health care system she says ive seen worse, there isnt a needle on it so its not like it can hurt you.. I suggest you retrain your staff on regulations because that was beyond a terrible experience. I sincerely hope my insides are okay due to the fact that didnt give me any tests at all. Thank you for your time.

Brooke McIntee